- Award of the Crystal Hourglass
- Order of the Fettered Crane

Award of the Crystal Hourglass
Awarded for service to the barony and can be given more than once. Recipient need not be a member of the Barony to receive this award.
No badge currently registered.
Sample Wording
The sands of time are the precious coinage by which we measure our lives. Only we can determine how this is spent. Today we, [Baron Name] and [Baroness Name], Baron and Baroness of Black Diamond would show our gratitude and appreciation to one who has chosen to spend that coinage in service to our Barony. [Recipient Name] has given freely and selflessly of his/her time and is our honor to present to him/her our Award of the Crystal Hourglass in recognition of their generosity.
Done this [Day] of [Month], Anno Societatis [Society Year].

Order of the Fettered Crane
Given to those gentles that serve the barony truly and faithfully, in an exceptional manner.
(Fieldless) A crane Or, fettered, throated and crested, upon its shoulder a lozenge sable.
Sample Wording
A Baron and Baroness cannot rule alone. They must rely upon the service of their subjects. [Recipient Name] has served the barony faithfully. Therefore do we [Baron Name] and [Baroness Name], Baron and Baroness of Black Diamond, induct him/her into our Order of the Fettered Crane.
Done this [Day] of [Month], Anno Societatis [Society Year].