There are number of ways that individuals can help out in the Barony. The society is made of volunteers, and everyone can find a way to help. The following is a small list of areas where service to the Barony is often welcomed:

Gate: These are volunteers who welcome and check in people as they arrive at our events.

Voice Heralds: Voice Heralds call out important information at events, such as court business.

Retainers: Retainers work closely with the Baron and Baroness during events and help them carry out their duties.

Minister of Lists (MOL): These volunteers keep up with the paperwork for martial activities.

Water Carriers: These volunteers are usually in need to keep our fighters hydrated while on the fighting fields.

Feast: A staff of volunteers cook and serve feast at our evening meals at events, often period foods to benefit emersion. These are often served in courses.