To be considered for the position of Baron/Baroness, there is a process that has to be followed. It starts by submitting a Letter of Intent to the Seneschal of our Barony during the time that letters are accepted.
What should be in this letter?
This letter is an introduction of you to the Barony and Kingdom for those who might not know you and your SCA history in our society. Therefore, the letter should contain information about you that you want people to know about you. For more details and ideas about how to write this letter, see the link below.

Ok, I have submitted my letter to the Seneschal within the time frame. Now what?
You have now entered the official polling process. If you are not aware of how that works, please click the link below to learn more about the steps that will happen after the letters have been submitted.

Hope you find this page helpful and feel encouraged to submit a letter, if you feel up to taking on the responsibilities of this role.