Baron’s Award of Excellence
Traditionally only given once per reign (although that is at the Baron’s discretion), this award recognizes the efforts and actions of an individual that the Baron deems exceptionally worthy of praise and recognition.
While the award has no badge, it is normally represented as the Baron’s initial in gold, upon a black field.
Sample wording
Each award is written specifically for the recipient. The reasons for giving out this award are the starting point and from there it could be made to sound like a poem, translated to old English, or whatever the Baron and scribe choose to do. Hence, there is no sample wording available.

Baroness’ Award of Courtesy
Traditionally only given once per reign (although that is at the Baronness’ discretion) this award is bestowed upon a gentle that the Baroness feels typifies – in word and deed – the ideals of chivalry and courtesy that are the foundation upon which our Society is built.
While the award has no badge, it is normally represented as the Baroness’ initial in black upon a gold field.
Sample wording
Each award is written specifically for the recipient. The reasons for giving out this award are the starting point and from there it could be made to sound like a poem, translated to old English, or whatever the Baroness and scribe choose to do. Hence, there is no sample wording available.

Honorary Member of the Black Diamond Populace
Given to friends of the barony, typically in recognition of a bond that already exists. It is often given in recognition of great or frequent service to the barony by persons living outside the borders of the barony, as an expression of thanks and perennial welcome.
Sable, on a fess cotised Or a lozenge sable. (The Baronial Badge)
Sample Wording
A strong Barony has expertise in many facets of life. Its artisans teaching their skills such that all the populace may expand their repertoire. For his/her efforts at improving our knowledge of and experience in [description] and continually attending to Black Diamond’s needs, do We, [Baron Name] and [Baroness Name], Baron and Baroness of Black Diamond hereby make [Recipient Name] an honorary member of Our Barony.
Done this [Day] of [Month], Anno Societatis [Society Year].

Award of the Diamond Chip
Given in recognition of individual feats of great merit. May be given more than once.
No badge currently registered.
Sample Wording
[Baron Name] and [Baroness Name], Baron and Baroness of Black Diamond give you greetings. Many and varied are the talents and skills of our populace, but one stands out. [Recipient Name] has impressed us with their [description of accomplishment]. For this we would like to award him/her with the Award of the Diamond Chip to show our appreciation of their accomplishments.
Done this [Day] of [Month], Anno Societatis [Society Year].

Order of the Polished Mirror
Given to populace members during their first year (either in the SCA, or in the barony if still relatively new to the Society), for showing great promise in upholding the ideals of the Society.
No badge currently registered. The token of this Order is a small Mirror.
Sample Wording
Lo, as a brightly polished mirror shines and reflects those who choose to gaze upon it, so some among us shine early on with the ideals of our society. Such a one is [Recipient Name]. Thus do we, [Baron Name] and [Baroness Name], Baron and Baroness of Black Diamond, induct him/her into our Order of the Polished Mirror.
Done this [Day] of [Month], Anno Societatis [Society Year].

Order of the Black Diamond
Awarded to an individual who shines as an example to all of the strength and purity of the Black Diamond.
No badge currently registered.
Sample Wording
Some of us are as Diamonds giving our Barony beauty through his/her many years of service and constant efforts. By giving of him/herself and his/her energies, he/she has helped our Barony thrive and are extremely valuable. Therefore do we induct [Recipient Name] into our Order of Black Diamond. May you continue to serve and know all within the Barony are eternally grateful for your efforts.
Done this [Day] of [Month], Anno Societatis [Society Year].

Order of the Crested Hatchling
Recognizes excellence in children.
No badge currently registered.
Sample Wording
Age bears no mark on skill or service. Practice and enthusiasm cultivates more talent and contributions than the passage of time. With his/her efforts involving [description of accomplishment], [Recipient Name] has shown true talent and service. Therefore do we, [Baron Name] and [Baroness Name], Baron and Baroness of Black Diamond, induct him/her into our Order of the Crested Hatchling.
Done this [Day] of [Month], Anno Societatis [Society Year].

Order of the Mother of Pearl
Given to those gentles who show continuing support and succor to the Barony, exceeding all expectations.
No badge currently registered.
Sample Wording
No sample wording is available yet for this award.

Order of the Silver Chalice
Award for a leaving member who has contributed greatly to the Barony during their time in Black Diamond.
No badge currently registered. Usually accompanied by a token silver colored (or glass) cup/chalice.
Sample Wording
The Silver Chalice symbolizes the wealth of knowledge you, [Recipient Name], have poured unselfishly upon the Barony of Black Diamond. Accept it knowing full well that we, the Barony of Black Diamond, greatly value your companionship and leadership. Henceforth, when drinking from this chalice, remember your days in the mountains, for we will revel with you in strange places and times yet unknown. Wherever you travel, know that in times of need or peril we will hear your call and aid you.
Done this [Day] of [Month], Anno Societatis [Society Year].