Baronial champions are specifically chosen by the Baron and Baroness to represent the Barony in their specific area.

Archery Champion

The baronial archery champion represents the archers of Black Diamond both within the Barony and to those beyond. This involves encouraging and demonstrating excellence both in bearing and in action for both target and combat archery.

The archery champion of Black Diamond position is current vacant.

Armored Combat Champion

The baronial armored combat champion represents the armored combat field both within the Barony and to those beyond. This involves encouraging and demonstrating excellence both in bearing and in action.

Lord Bjorn of Black Diamond is the armored combat champion of Black Diamond.

Arts & Sciences Champion

The baronial arts & sciences champion represents the various artisans of Black Diamond both within the Barony and beyond. This involves encouraging and demonstrating excellence both in bearing and in action.

The arts & sciences champion of Black Diamond is currently vacant.

Bardic Champion

The baronial bardic champion represents the bards and performers of Black Diamond both within the Barony and beyond. This involves encouraging bardic activity in all forms and demonstrating excellence both in bearing and in action.

Master Johann von Solorthurn is the bardic champion of Black Diamond.

Baronial Scribe

The baronial scribe is responsible for coordinating the scribal activities within the various local scritoriums of the Barony. This involve encouraging the scribal arts as well as coordinating award scroll assignments to scribes across the Barony. The baronial scribe also serves as personal scribe to Their Excellencies should the need arise.

Lady Genevote la Feseresse is the baronial scribe of Black Diamond. She is assisted by Lady Jocelyn of Black Diamond as the Scroll Wrangler for coordinating scroll assignments.

Rapier Combat Champion

The baronial rapier combat champion represents the rapier combat field both within the Barony and to those beyond. This involves encouraging and demonstrating excellence both in bearing and in action.

The rapier champion of Black Diamond position is current vacant.