- Order of Minerva’s Fountain
- Order of the Silver Crocus

Order of Minerva’s Fountain
Given to those gentles who have shown excellence and continuing promise in the field of Arts and Sciences.
Badge description pending.
Sample Wording
From the days of myth and legend the goddess Minerva serves as the patron of the arts. Those who drink from her fountain are inspired to continually create amazing works. [Recipient Name] is such an individual and today we [Baron Name] and [Baroness Name] are pleased to induct him/her into our Order of Minerva’s Fountain.
Done this [Day] of [Month], Anno Societatis [Society Year].

Order of the Silver Crocus
Given to those that instruct the Populace in the diverse arts and sciences that we practice to enrich our Society, and to those that show themselves to be uncommonly studied or practiced in such.
Sable, a crocus argent between four lozenges in cross Or.
Sample Wording
Those who excel in the arts and sciences are like the crocus blooming on the
mountainside, adding beauty and splendor to the court. Such a one is [Recipient Name]. Therefore do we, [Baron Name] and [Baroness Name], Baron and Baroness of Black Diamond, induct him/her into Our most noble Order of the Silver Crocus. We charge him/her to continue to develop and to teach his/her skills and to serve as an example to others.
Done this [Day] of [Month], Anno Societatis [Society Year].