We are part of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA) which is an International nonprofit educational organization devoted to the study of pre-17th century western culture. The society concentrates on the European Middle Ages and Renaissance, and members work to recreate the arts and skills of this era. We are a barony of the Kingdom of Atlantia.

Our Barony comprises a large portion of Southwestern Virginia from Staunton in the north to Hillsville in the South, east to Lynchburg and west to Bland, Tazewell, and even parts of Smyth and Russell Counties. Blacksburg, the New River Valley, and Roanoke can all be found within Black Diamond’s borders.


Black Diamond event MISSILE MADNESS is coming soon in April. More about the event details HERE. Make your plans to attend!

For Covid-19 policies for the Barony of Black Diamond,
please check Kingdom of Atlantia for most up-to-date information
Please take all possible safety precautions. If you need more information on what steps and/or measures you should take in keeping you, your family and others safe, go to http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/
Remember that you do have the ability to interact through phone and computer. There are many avenues available to communicate with other people. Many are just a phone call away, others you can reach through Facebook, Skype, gaming servers, Go To Meeting, and more.
On the Black Diamond Facebook page, there will be a post for a Black Diamond Discord group where you can use video and audio to chat with other people about all things SCA. Do not feel lost or left out, go online, join the chat groups out there and communicate with others.
Here is the link for the Black Diamond Discord group: https://discord.gg/gYhcTQ7
Here is the link for the Black Diamond Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/174248598875
The Facebook post will explain more about the group, its use and rules.